Seat Leon >> Adjusting front axle convergence

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Torque wrenches - V.A.G 1332-

Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry

  • Insert tool - V.A.G 1332/9-

Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry

  • Counterhold track rod ball joint -1- with spanner when loosening and tightening locking nut -2-
  • Loosen lock nut -2-.
  • Adjust toe setting at left and right wheels via hexagon flats -arrow-.

Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry


  • Make sure boot on steering box is not damaged or twisted.

    Twisted boots wear out quickly.

  • The vehicle must be standing on the ground when tightening the lock nuts on the track rod; the track rod ball joint must be parallel with the steering arm on the suspension strut.


  • Tighten lock nut -2- and check toe setting again.

It is possible that, after tightening the counter nut -2-, the adjustment value may change a little.

However, the adjustment is correct if the measured toe value is still inside the tolerance.

Wheel runout compensation

If runout compensation is not performed, it is not possible to adjust toe-in correctly! The existing lateral run-out of the wheel rims must be compensated accordingly. Otherwise false results will be obtained.

A certain amount of axial runout at the wheel rims is permissible, but this may already exceed the specified toe-in tolerance. In such cases it is not possible to set the toe-in correctly without first compensating for the wheel runout.

Follow the instructions from the manufacturer of the axle measurement equipment

Vehicle data label

Explanation regarding "PR numbers" on vehicle data sticker

Various types of running gear are installed depending on engine and equipment level. These are identified by the PR numbers.

The PR numbers are critical in determining the wheel alignment specifications.

The running gear version fitted in the vehicle is indicated on the vehicle data sticker by the PR number for the front axle.

The vehicle data sticker can be found in the spare wheel well and in the service booklet.

Example of a vehicle data sticker

In this example, the vehicle is equipped with a standard running gear version G01 (see detail)-arrow-.

Checking full wheel lock

The wheel alignment computer is used to determine the full steering lock.

  • When the values for the maximum wheel lock lie outside the tolerances, then check following:
    • Are steering or suspension components damaged or deformed?
    • Are track rods visually OK.?
    • Is the symmetry of the track rods OK.?

Damaged components must be renewed.

  • If the steering wheel is crooked, check the following:
    • Check steering components for damage and deformation. If necessary, renew damaged components.
    • Check suspension components for damage and deformation.

      If necessary, renew damaged components.

    • Also check the symmetry of the track rods.
  • Measure dimension -a- of "shorter" track rod. Shorten the "longer" track rod end to the same dimension. To do so, screw track rod ball joint -1- further onto track rod -2-.

Dimension -a- must be the same on left side and right side track rod ball joint.

Maximum permissible difference between left and right < 2.5 mm.

  • On returning the steering to the centre position, allow the steering wheel to "settle" with uniform movements.

Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry

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