Seat Leon >> Checking radial and lateral runout of wheels and tyres

Checking radial and lateral runout of wheels and tyres, tolerances

Radial and lateral runout occur when the wheel and tyre do not run absolutely true.

For technical reasons, 100% true running is not possible.

For this reason, the manufacturer specifies certain tolerance levels for these elements.

Aligning the tyre in an unfavourable position on the wheel can cause the maximum allowed tolerance for wheel with tyre to be exceeded.

The table shows the maximum permissible tolerances for a wheel with mounted tyre.

Tolerances for radial and lateral runout of rim with tyre

Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry

Checking radial and lateral runout on wheels and tyres with tyre gauge

Checking lateral runout

  • Preload the tyre gauge by approx. 2 mm.
  • Apply the micrometer dial to the side wall of the tyre.
  • Turn the wheel slowly.
  • Make a note of the smallest and largest deflection of the indicator needle.

Note If the difference is over 1.3 mm, there is too much axial run-out.

In this case, the axial run-out can be reduced by applying the Match balancing .

Ignore the one-off peak measurements on the micrometer caused by the elevation or depression of the material.

Checking radial runout

  • Preload the tyre gauge by approx. 2 mm.
  • Apply the micrometer dial to the running surface of the tyre.
  • Turn the wheel slowly.
  • Make a note of the smallest and largest deflection of the indicator needle.

Note If the difference is over 1 mm, there is too much radial run-out.

In this case, the radial run-out can be reduced by applying Match balancing.

Checking radial and lateral run-out on wheel rim

  • Attach the disc wheel to the wheel balancing machine .
  • Use the centring system for wheel balancing machines - VAS 5271- .
  • Preload the tyre gauge by approx. 2 mm.
  • Slowly rotate the wheel.
  • Make a note of the smallest and largest deflection of the indicator needle.

S - Lateral runout
H - Radial runout

  • Compare the measured value determined with the theoretical values in the table.

Note Ignore the one-off peak measurements on the micrometer caused by the elevation or depression of the material.

Specifications for radial and lateral runout on wheel

Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry

Note If the measured value exceeds the specification, acceptably smooth running cannot be attained.

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