Seat Leon >> The danger of fitting a child seat on the front passenger seat
Rear-facing child seats must never be used on the front passenger seat when the front passenger airbag is enabled.
An enabled front airbag on the front passenger side is potentially a major danger to a child. The front passenger seat is life threatening to a child if you transport the child in a rear-facing child seat. You should always transport all children up to 12 years of age on the rear seat.
If a rear-facing child seat is secured to the front passenger seat, an inflating airbag can strike it with such great force that critical or fatal injuries may result.
Therefore we urgently recommend that you transport children on the rear seats. That is the safest place in the vehicle for children. Alternatively, the front passenger airbag can be disabled with a key-operated switch. When transporting children, use a child seat appropriate to the age and size of each child.
For those vehicles that do not include a key lock switch to turn the airbag off, an Authorised Service Centre must be consulted.
• If a child seat is secured to the front passenger seat, the risk to the
of sustaining critical or fatal injuries in the event of an accident
• Never secure a rear-facing child seat to the front passenger seat if the
front passenger airbag is enabled. The child can suffer critical or fatal
when the front passenger airbag is triggered.
• An inflating front passenger airbag can strike the rear-facing child seat
and hurl it with great force against the door, the roof or the backrest.
• For those vehicles that do not include a key lock switch to turn the
airbag off, an Authorised Service Centre must be consulted.
• If, under special circumstances, it should be necessary to transport a
child in a rear-facing child seat on the front passenger seat, it is absolutely
essential that you observe the following safety measures:
− Disable the front passenger airbag “Deactivating
− The child seat must be approved by the child seat manufacturer for
use on a front passenger seat with front or side airbag.
− Follow the installation instructions of the child seat manufacturer
and absolutely observe the warnings“Child safety”.
− Before properly installing the child seat, push the front passenger
seat all the way to the rear so that the greatest possible distance to the
front passenger airbag is ensured.
− Ensure that no objects prevent the front passenger seat from being
pushed completely back.
− The backrest of the front passenger seat must be in an upright
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