Seat Leon >> Removing and installing sunroof roller blind
Note In the event of power failure, sun blind can be moved by turning sun blind motor with a commercially available hexagon key to removal position (fully open).
- Open sun blind completely.
- Remove rear glass panel.
- Remove bolts -3- of cap -2- on both sides.
- Release the fastener -arrow- of the cap -2- out of the rear part -4- with the aid of the lever - A71101- .
- Fold up cover -4-.
Interior seal is not removed to do this.
- Carefully lift sun blind cross strut -2- together with sun blind slide -1-.
Note When doing so, make sure that the blind material is not damaged.
- Pull sun blind slides -1- sideways in direction of -arrow- and out of sun blind cross strut -2-.
- Remove moulded headlining.
- Undo screws -2- of sun blind housing -1-
- Pull sun blind housing -1- downwards a little in -direction of arrow-.
- Pull sun blind housing -1- together with sun blind steel strap -4- in direction of -arrow- out of sun blind rail -2-.
Note Proceed carefully so that the blind material -3- is not damaged.
Sun blind cross strut can be renewed when sun blind is removed.
- Sun blind cross strut must be fitted before installation of sun blind housing.
- Do not grease sun blind slide and sun blind cables.
- Push sun blind housing -2- together with sun blind steel strap -4- in direction of -arrow- into assembly frame -1-.
- The guides of the sun blind housing must be pushed onto assembly frame -1- precisely -arrows-.
Note Make sure that the blind material -3- is not damaged.
- Push sun blind slide -1- in direction of -arrow- into sun blind cross strut -2-.
Note Ensure that sun blind slide -1- engages in cut-out of sun blind steel strip -6- and in follower of sun blind cable -5-.
Continue installation in reverse order.
- Connect cover -2- to assembly frame -4- so that engages correctly.
Tighten bolt -3- to specified torque 2 Nm.
- Correctly position sun blind housing -1-.
Tighten bolt -2- to specified torque 3.5 Nm.
- After installing the roller blinds, this must be checked for synchronous run and if it is running properly.
- Fort his purpose, the roller blind can be moved by hand on sun blind motor using a commercially available hexagon key.
- Watch out for folding and warping of the sun blind material.
- Install moulded headliner.
- Install rear glass panel.
- On completion of all work, carry out normalisation run for sun blind motor.
Removing and installing sunroof roller blind rail
Note Make sure that the blind material -2- is not damaged.
- Remove sun blind.
- Carefully pull sun blind cross strut -1- in direction of -arrow- out of beading -3- of sun blind fabric -2-.
- Carefully push sun blind cross strut -1- onto beading -3-.
- Install sun blind.
Removing and installing sliding sunroof
adjustment control unit - J245-
Remove lighting elements and front control unit .
Loosen bolts -2-.
Remove the frame -1- in -the direction of arrow- out of the
moulded headliner.
Loosen bolts -2-.
Removing and installing sunroof roller blind cables
Remove moulded headlining.
Remove sun blind motor.
Remove sun blind.
Remove bolts -arrows- of cable covers -1- and -3-.
Loosen the retainers -arrow A- and the cable covers -1- a ...
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