Seat Leon >> Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
The anti-lock brake system prevents the wheels locking during braking.
The anti-lock brake system (ABS) is an important part of the vehicle's active safety system.
How the ABS works
If one of the wheels turns too slowly in relation to the road speed, and is
to locking, the system will reduce the braking pressure for this wheel. The
driver is made aware of this control process by a pulsating of the brake pedal
and audible noise. This is a deliberate warning to the driver that one or more
of the wheels is tending to lock and the ABS control function has intervened.
In this situation it is important to keep the brake pedal fully depressed so the ABS can regulate the brake application. Do not “pump”.
If you brake hard on a slippery road surface, the best possible control is retained as the wheels do not lock.
However, ABS will not necessarily guarantee shorter braking distances in all conditions. The braking distance could even be longer if you brake on gravel or on fresh snow covering a slippery surface.
• The anti-lock brake system cannot defy the laws of physics. Slippery
and wet roads are dangerous even with ABS! If you notice that the ABS is
working (to counteract locked wheels under braking), you should reduce
speed immediately to suit the road and traffic conditions. Do not let the
extra safety features tempt you into taking any risks when driving.
• The effectiveness of ABS is also determined by the tyres fitted.
• If the running gear or brakes are modified, the effectiveness of the ABS
could be severely limited.
Traction control system (TCS)
The traction control system prevents the drive wheels from
spinning when the car is accelerating.
Description and operation of the traction control system during
TCS reduces e ...
See also:
Fitting location overview - front servomotors
- Servomotor for temperature
flap - V68-
Removing and fitting
- Air distribution flap servomotor
- V428-
Removing and fitting